Hanuman World, Treetops, Unlock adventure, Zipline Adventure

Conquering Treetop Fears & Fun at the Best & Ultimate Adventure

Treetop Skywalks at Hanuman World Phuket

Have you ever dreamed of going on an amazing zipline adventure? If so then here is your chance. Hanuman World is offering you the chance to explore. A chance to be a part of one of the most exclusive parks on the island. Hanuman World Phuket is an exhilarating canopy treetop adventure. Fit for those who are willing to take on the challenges and heights of Phuket’s jungle.

Treetop Fun and Hanuman World for kids

Treetop Adventures For Everyone

If you think you can take on these challenges, let us help you get more acquainted with what this adventure park offers. If you have ever considered yourself adventurous? However, these specific heights in Phuket will make you rethink everything you know about heights. The ziplines here are stretched high throughout the jungle floor. If heights have never been your strong suit, then rethinking which course you want to take can be very informative. Come to Hanuman World and experience one of the best zipline courses on the island. Arriving at Hanuman World will be nothing short of fun.

Once you arrive you are checked in and then you are set to get geared up for your adventure in the lush green jungle. The staff will give you a safety briefing on the zipline flying. They will explain equipment procedures and how to fly. By all means, listen to your guides and their instructions while on the course. Everyone will feel nervous but once on the course, you will become more relaxed as the course goes on. As you take your walk up to the first zipline platform, there you will take a short rest, and then you are ready to fly across the jungle.

Treetop fun in Phuket

Zipline Adventures in the Jungle

The guides on your journey with you will help you relax and give you words of encouragement as you are going through the courses. As you take a deep breath and step off the platform, you are then flying into the greenery of the jungle. The wind hits your face and the lush green forest zooms past you, as you are screaming at the top of your lungs. Whooping with joy as you zip from tree to tree. It is your turn to experience one of the wonders of the world.

There is so much to adventure throughout this park. The rush from this park is immediate as you soar across the jungle floor. Dropping from abseils, and better yet making it through the wobbly sky bridges. Furthermore, there is so much adventure here, that you wouldn’t want to leave. this treetop adventure will have you smiling from ear to ear.

With each zipline, you will build confidence as you progress through the amazing courses. Having a unique perspective of the forest and the eco-friendly park. Is something that we instill in all of our guests. You will get a little history lesson on the fruit trees how the fruit grows and in which season fruit is available in our forest. Hanuman World has become one of Phuket’s top zipline parks. It sits in the heart of Phuket. And it is something everyone should experience while here on vacation.

Treetop Fun in the Jungle on zipline adventure

Treetop Zipline Finale in Phuket

As you progressed through the green jungle forest. The ziplines became longer and faster, your anticipation became higher with each round. But by the time everyone is finished, there is a sense of joy. A sense of overcoming your fear. With the final zipline through the treetops, it stretches across the valley of panoramic views. Surrounding the beautiful forest landscape.

As you landed on the last platform you realized how far you come on completing the zipline journey. You made it to the end and you have accomplished something many wouldn’t dare to do. From being nervous at the start to being a warrior til the end. Furthermore, the course seemed like a long distance, but once you got into the feel of being on the course everything seemed to fade away. However, it is like a distant memory lacking behind everyone. Making friends and enjoying the summer fun in Phuket is what we aim for.

Treetop Adventure in the heart of Phuket

As you savor every second of the last zipline push. The forest beneath you fades away. As a result, everyone is now more connected with nature on another level than before. Feeling alive like never before is a way to experience the ultimate vacation holidays. Laughing and reliving the experience as you head back down to the gearing area on solid ground. Overcome with emotions as you survive. In fact, as you prepare to leave Hanuman World, you take pride in accomplishing what you came to do. The amazing canopy adventure has shown you the beauty of Phuket. But it also gave you more strength in yourself. Moreover, knowing you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.